Hands and feet
Commissioned by the author, a former Missionary to Uganda, whom I had served under in that nation in 2001. The published book is a historical account of the United Pentecostal International's Global Missions work in Africa, used for education purposes for Theological Bible Schools worldwide. Published in Fall of 2022.
Even though the book was published at the lowest cost possible, I took personal pride in it, and my deep respect for the nations that make up Africa was channelled into the work, which is more conceptual than the organization is accustomed to.

book introduction illustration
The series of illustrations in this book imaginatively represent the church advancing the gospel in African nations. The figures represent more than the groundwork of the missionaries; they include every precious soul added to the body of Christ, fulfilling the commission.
By the direction of the Holy Spirit, the church has taken ordained strides throughout the African continent.
Southern Africa
Feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace treads where they are sent.
Sowers and reapers rejoice together as the Lord adds to the church.

chapter illustrations

chapter illustration
West Africa
From life to life— is a cycle of disciples making disciples and disciples making disciples.

chapter illustrations
East African Islands
Even with distance, there is given unity in the revelation that God is both Lord and Saviour, which binds us.
East Africa
Where the word the Lord is learnt are brethren that love one another.