a girl called kat

she is a bit kitshy, but don't hold that against her

Kat is a proud Cree Métis woman, currently volunteering in Paraguay serving as an associate in Christian mission work (AIMer). She is an avid traveller (32 countries and counting), an art museum buff, a science fiction geek, an all-things-Disney fanatic and a Broadway musical wanna-be. 
Just at the age of two, Kat was obsessed with Disney classical films. Literally. She would demand to watch Dumbo on slow mo, so much so that within two months the VHS needed replacement. 
This obsession drove her creativity into to mad skills professionally. She graduated at Vancouver Film School (VFS) for Classical Animation, that lead to her first jobs with Bardel, brought her to Spain and Halifax. 
Her illustration career took off (near) simultaneously after graduating from VFS specializing in children and youth short stories, comics and educational content. 
Kat's career path took an unexpected direction after having to recover from major injuries. She decided to take a stab at Graphic Design. She loved it. Her animation experienced enriched her design skills — advantageous. 
Since then she has worked for LUSH, Flight Centre, University of British Columbia, Bill Reid Art Gallery, and Simon Fraser University, and more. 
In 2021 year she took up a part-time Art & Design Foundations instructor role at VFS, and loved it. In 2024 she is taking on a role at the Christian mission school (where she volunteers as an AIMer) for in Paraguay as a grade ten art instructor. She has the rare opportunity to develop the curriculum and is excited to pass on knowledge to the next generation creatives.
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